Religious Education
“Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” Jn. 17: 3
The RE Department aims to assist parents in forming their children spiritually, intellectually and morally in the Catholic Faith. Catholic schools in Scotland follow the curriculum This is Our Faith in keeping with the Charter for Catholic Schools in Scotland and there is a strong emphasis on the theology, ritual and tradition of Catholicism throughout every key stage. Courses are academically rigorous and challenge pupils to think more deeply about the most profound human questions: Does God exist? Who is Jesus Christ? Is there meaning in suffering? What is the ultimate purpose of my life? The whole Tradition of the Church (music, art, architecture, prayer, liturgy, theology, philosophy) is brought to bear on these crucial issues. Sacred Scripture is used extensively, for “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” 2 Tim. 3:16
Pedagogically the RE Department employs a wide range of teaching and learning styles, using good old-fashioned rote learning (for example, memorising the Ten Commandments or the Penny Catechism) complemented with differentiated material (booklets, videos, worksheets, PowerPoint presentations) to stretch pupils of all abilities. Appropriate use is made of modern technology to ensure that pupils enjoy varied and interesting lessons. St Thomas’ has a purpose-built Oratory in which the Blessed Sacrament is reserved. The RE Department makes extensive use of this Oratory and pupils make regular visits throughout the year, especially during the holy seasons of Advent and Lent.
In keeping with the Scottish Government’s Guidance Religious Education in Catholic Schools other religious traditions and customs are studied, most notably Judaism and Islam. Further details on courses at each key stage can be found by following the links below.
This document Religious Education Pathways gives a sense of the overall flow of the RE curriculum at St Thomas’ and the various pathways offered for pupils as they pursue their studies.
Mr C Wotherspoon, Curricular Leader of Religious Education
Ms G Luncanu, Teacher of Religious Education
September 2023
- S1-3 Religious Education Course Overview
- S4-6 Religious Education Course Overview