S6 Advanced Higher English
Course Overview
The Advanced Higher English course is a fantastic opportunity for pupils who have a real love of literature to explore this passion further. The Advanced Higher English course is also valuable preparation for university as it requires pupils to be prepared to work independently towards extended deadlines.
How is the course assessed?
There are two types of assessment:
External and Internal
The external assessment forms the basis for the final grade and takes the following format:
- Portfolio (60%)
- Exam (40%)
Section 1: dissertation
Learners will produce a dissertation to demonstrate planning, research and presentation of their knowledge and understanding of an aspect or aspects of literature.
The text(s) chosen must not be the same as those used in the Literary Study question paper.
This dissertation will be between 2,500 and 3,000 words long and will be worth 30 marks (30% of the total mark).
Section 2: writing
Learners will produce two pieces of writing for two different purposes. The writing can be from the following types:
♦ persuasive
♦ informative
♦ argumentative
♦ personal/reflective
♦ poetry
♦ prose fiction
♦ drama
This Section will be worth marks (30% of the total mark). Up to fifteen marks will be awarded for each essay selected for the portfolio.
The purpose of this question paper is to assess learners’ ability to apply the skills of critical analysis and evaluation to literary texts.
This question paper will give learners an opportunity to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding:
♦ the skills of critical analysis and evaluation of a previously studied literary text(s)
♦ the skills of critical analysis and evaluation of an unseen text such as a poem, an extract from a novel or drama text.
Learners will choose one question from a range of questions to provide an extended written response. Learners will select from genres taught, such as poetry, drama or prose. This will be worth 25 marks (25% of the total mark). The text(s) chosen must not be the same as those used in the dissertation.
Learners will also complete a textual analysis of an unseen text or extract from a text. This will be worth 20 marks (20% of the total mark).
The question paper will have 40 marks in total (40% of the total mark).
Internal assessment:
Pupils must pass the internal assessment in order to gain the full qualification. Internal assessments will complement the preparation for the external assessment element of the course. There are two units of internal assessment:
Creation and production:
Outcome 1
The learner will:
Produce complex and sophisticated written texts by:
1.1 Selecting significant ideas, using a form and structure appropriate to purpose and audience.
1.2 Applying knowledge and understanding of language and language choice.
1.3 Critically reflecting on the development of their writing.
Analysis and evaluation
Outcome 1
Critically analyse and evaluate complex and sophisticated literary texts in depth by:
1.1 Exploring main ideas and themes
1.2 Applying knowledge and understanding of language to analyse and evaluate meaning and effect
1.3 Exploring connections and comparisons between literary texts
Outcome 2
The learner will develop literary research skills by:
2.1 Producing a research outline in which the purpose of the undertaken literary research is identified and explained
2.2 Selecting, analysing and evaluating evidence from a range of sources
2.3 Understanding approaches to organising research findings
Recording & Reporting
Specific Home Study tasks will be distributed on a regular basis by individual class teachers, but pupils are also advised to revise English skills independently.
Self-revision/Home Study exercises that pupils are recommended to undertake should include:
- Reading and note-taking on dissertation texts
- Reading of secondary sources for dissertation text
- Revision of class texts
- Reviewing notes for textual analysis
- Preparation and writing of folio