Higher Business Management
Course Overview
Course assessment structure: question paper
Question paper 90 marks
Understanding business
Candidates develop their understanding of how large organisations in the private, public and
third sectors operate, make decisions and pursue their strategic goals. They analyse the
impact that internal and external environments have on an organisation’s activity, and
consider the implications of these factors.
Management of marketing
Candidates develop their understanding of the importance of effective marketing systems to
large organisations. They learn about the relevant theories, concepts and procedures used
by organisations to improve competitiveness and customer satisfaction.
Management of operations
Candidates develop their understanding of the importance of effective operations systems to
large organisations. They learn about the relevant theories, concepts and procedures used
by organisations to improve and/or maintain quality, and the importance of satisfying both
internal and external customers’ needs.
Management of people
Candidates develop their understanding of the issues that large organisations face when
managing people. They learn about the relevant theories, concepts and procedures used by
organisations when dealing with staff, including retention, training, leadership and motivation.
Management of finance
Candidates develop their understanding of the issues that large organisations face when
managing finance. They learn about the relevant theories, concepts and procedures used by
organisations in financial situations.
Assignment 30 marks
The assignment gives candidates the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to:
select an appropriate business and topic
collect information/evidence relating to the context of the assignment, from a range of
apply relevant business concepts and theories to the context of the assignment
analyse and evaluate the business data/information
solve problems by applying relatively complex business ideas and concepts relevant to
the context of the assignment
communicate valid, justified conclusions and/or recommendations
produce a business report relating to the context of the assignment
We use teacher-led discussion, cooperative group work and many formative assessment strategies to give pupils the opportunity to demonstrate and improve their knowledge, practical skills and skills for learning, life and work.
Pupils are formally assessed using SQA assessment resources. At Higher level there are three units of work which are assessed – there is one formal assessment per unit. We also issue homework which covers each unit of work. This homework is a vital part of the course as it helps to develop the answering techniques which are vital for success at Higher. The final grade comprises an external question paper during the exam diet (70 marks) and a report which is produced internally but externally marked (30 marks).
Recording & Reporting
The SQA assessments and homework results form the basis for the comments in parental reports. These results are also used to inform decisions about level presentation. There is no formal exam for this course.
National 5 and Higher
Specific Home Study tasks will be distributed on a regular basis by individual class teachers. Homework will focus on exam preparation and pupils will receive teacher or peer feedback.
Pupils are also advised to regularly revise topics and keep up to date with current Business affairs by watching the news.
Assessment dates:
September: Progress test.
October: Formal Assessment.
November: Assignment preparation and write up.
January: Prelim.
March: Progress test
Self revision:
Consolidation of knowledge of class texts and close reading skills
Reading quality newspapers using close reading skills
Preparation for presentations
Practice SQA Questions
Homework is posted in Microsoft Teams.
Use Heriot Watt Scholar and the websites below for independent learning:
Resources will appear here soon.