S1/S2 Art and Design
Course Overview
The expressive arts play a central role in shaping our sense of our personal, social and cultural identity. Learning in Art and Design also plays an important role in supporting children and young people to recognise and value the variety and vitality of culture locally, nationally and globally. Learning in, through and about the Art and Design enables children and young people to:
- be creative and express themselves in different ways
- experience enjoyment and contribute to other people’s enjoyment through creative and expressive presentation
- develop important skills, both those specific to the expressive arts and those which are transferable
- develop an appreciation of aesthetic and cultural values, identities and ideas and, for some, prepare for advanced learning and future careers by building foundations for excellence in the expressive arts.
S1 Project – Design and 3-D Construction
In design work learners will use the design process to create a solution to a brief. Learners will express opinions and have the opportunity to experiment with a range of techniques such as paper construction and printmaking to help develop ideas to an exciting 3-D final piece. Themes for this area of the course include fashion and product design. To develop critical awareness, learners will study the work of other designers and learn to analyse their work.
S2 Project – Me and My Environment
Learners will undertake expressive work where they will learn new techniques and skills in a range of media though drawing and painting as they develop work from source materials to a finished artwork. Themes for this area of the course include portraiture, still life and the built environment. To develop critical awareness, learners will study the work of other artists and learn to analyse their work.
Attendance – One period a week
The course is mainly practical based supported by teacher-led discussion, a combination of individual work and cooperative group work. Learners’ art and design work is collated in a sketchbook over the two year course. Various formative assessment strategies are used to give learners the opportunity to demonstrate and improve their knowledge, practical skills and skills for learning, life and work.
Assessment in Art and Design will focus on learners’ skills and abilities to express themselves through the three significant aspects of learning in each of the components:
- creating
- presenting
- evaluating and appreciating.
Ongoing formative assessment will take place in the classroom. More formal summative reviews and assessment will take place at key points during S1 and S2 in order to measure each learner’s progress and achievement of a level.
Recording & Reporting
A continuous process of discussion of both practical and written work is an essential part of the learning and teaching process. All students in Art and Design carry out a learners’ conversation at appropriate times of year. This is an opportunity for pupils to discuss with staff what their strengths and weaknesses are within the three key areas of: creating, presenting, evaluating and appreciating. Students are able to identify and record next steps in their learning journey.
Reporting to parents is in line with the school calendar of tracking, reporting and parent evenings.
Resources to support learning in Art & Design:
- Pencils (possibly graded) and eraser
- Pencil sharpener
- Black micro point pen
- Glue stick
- Coloured pencils
- Watercolour paints
Useful Websites:
- www.nationalgalleries.org
- www.tate.org.uk/youngtate
- www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/art
- www.vam.ac.uk
Art Galleries and Museums to visit: