N4/N5 PE Course
Course Overview
The main purpose of the Course is to develop and demonstrate movement and performance skills in physical activities. By engaging in physical activities, learners can demonstrate initiative, decision-making and problem-solving. The Course also encourages learners to develop a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, and the contribution that physical activity makes to this. The Course will enable learners to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding required to perform effectively in a range of physical activities, and will enhance their physical wellbeing. Learners will work both independently and co-operatively to develop thinking and interpersonal skills. This makes physical education an ideal platform for developing confidence, resilience and responsibility and for working with others.
National 5 Purpose and Aims:
- Develop the ability to safely perform a comprehensive range of movement and performance skills
- Understand factors that impact on personal performance in physical activities
- Build capacity to perform effectively
- Develop approaches to enhance personal performance
- Monitor, record and evaluate performance development
Below is the timetable for the S4 Nttional Classes;
Factors Impacting on Performance
- On-going assessment through log-book
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical factors
- Investigate the effects of MESP factors on performance
- Prepare and implement a development plan to improve performance.
- On-going assessment
- Assessed in a minimum of 2 activities throughout the year
Demonstrate (consistency in):
- a comprehensive range of movement and performance skills
- working cooperatively with others
- body and spatial awareness
- techniques, compositions and tactics
To achieve the National 4 Physical Education Course, learners must pass all of the required Units, including the Added Value Unit. The required Units are shown in the Course outline section. National 4 Courses are not graded.
To gain the award of the National 5 Course, the learner must pass all of the Units as well as the Course assessment. The required Units are shown in the Course outline section. Course assessment will provide the basis for grading attainment in the Course award.
National 4
Added Value Unit
- Internally assessed
- Pupils carry out a performance which will allow them to display challenge and application
- Pupils will record their scores and self-evaluation on specific activity
- Display knowledge of specific factors which may effect performance
National 5
Component 1 – Portfolio
- 60 marks available – 50% of overall grade (A-D)
Section 1: Understanding factors that impact on performance
Section 2: Planning, developing and implementing approaches to enhance personal performance
Section 3: Monitoring, recording and evaluating performance development
Component 2 – Performance
- 60 marks available – 50% of overall grade (A-D)
- Performance assessed in two different physical activities listed by the SQA (each performance in marked out of 30)
- Each single performance event is set apart from class learning under challenging, competetive and/or demanding conditions
Recording & Reporting
The class will be given regular tracking reports, as well as a parents night and full report.
Resources will appear here soon.