S5-S6 Higher Art and Design
Course Overview
In S5/6 Learners will consolidate prior Art & Design experiences and outcomes. They will further develop their technical skills and application of these in both expressive and design contexts, leading to a qualification at Higher.
Learners will develop their knowledge of art and design practice and practical media handling skills, in both expressive and design contexts. During the course, learners are encouraged to exercise imagination and creativity which provides scope for personalisation and choice.
The course allows learners to broaden and deepen their skills base and to widen their horizons regarding a range of vocations and careers.
Learners are encouraged to be creative and to express themselves in different ways. Learning through art and design helps learners to develop an appreciation of aesthetic and cultural values, identities and ideas.
The aims of the Course are to enable students to:
- communicate personal thoughts, feelings and ideas using art and design media, materials, techniques and/or technologies
- demonstrate knowledge, understanding and appreciation of art and design practice
- work imaginatively and develop individual creativity developing skills in problem solving, critical thinking and reflective practice
- understand the social and cultural influences on artists and designers and their work.
Entry Requirements – National 5 Art & Design
The Higher Art and Design course consists of two mandatory Units and the course assessment. The mandatory Unit work is collated in learner’s sketchbooks and retained by the school for verification purposes. The course assessment consists of a portfolio and a written examination. These are submitted to the SQA and form the basis for grading attainment in the full course award.
Unit 1: Expressive with Critical Activity – This Unit helps students to develop their personal thoughts and ideas in visual form. They will experiment with and develop a range of media handling skills, using equipment and materials expressively in 2D and/or 3D media handling skills. Learners will also be encouraged to explore how technologies can be creatively used when developing their ideas. They will develop an understanding and appreciation of artists’ working practices, as well as knowledge of the social and cultural influences on art work.
Unit 2: Design with Critical Activity – This Unit helps learners to plan, research and develop creative design proposals. This will help develop their creativity, problem-solving and critical thinking skills as they consider design opportunities, issues and constraints. They will experiment with and develop a range of 2D and/or 3D media handling skills, using equipment and materials to develop their design proposals. Learners will also be encouraged to explore the possibilities of using technologies creatively when researching and developing their ideas. They will develop an understanding and appreciation of designers’ working practices. They will also develop knowledge of the social and cultural influences on design work.
Section 1A Expressive Project: 80 marks
- the initial expressive idea/inspiration and further development work in 2D and/or 3D formats, showing the candidate’s ability to creatively respond to a negotiated expressive theme/stimuli
- a final piece of expressive art in either 2D or 3D format as appropriate, which shows the candidate’s ability to realise their idea and produce a creative piece of expressive art work
- a critical evaluation of the expressive art work, reflecting on the impact of the candidate’s creative choices and decisions on the portfolio
Section 1B Design Project: 80 marks
- the initial design idea/inspiration and further development work in 2D and/or 3D formats showing the candidate’s ability to creatively respond to the challenges, opportunities and requirements of the design brief
- a final design solution in either 2D or 3D format as appropriate, showing their ability to realise their design idea and produce a creative and effective design solution
- a critical evaluation of the design portfolio, reflecting on the impact of the candidate’s design choices and decisions against the requirements of the design brief
Section 2 Question Paper: 60 marks
This is a two hour written examination worth 60 marks. The question paper allows learners to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of art and design practice. Learners will critically analyse and evaluate the work of artists and designers, showing awareness of the visual qualities and/or functional impact of the work.
Unit Assessment – All units are internally assessed. This involves sampling the skills, knowledge and understanding of pupils demonstrated through their sketchbook work. There are two opportunities within the year to sit the assessment. Assessment is recorded as a Pass/Fail by the school and moderated by the SQA. Both these units must pass internal verification in order to be presented for the full higher course award.
Course Assessment – The course assessment is made up of two components. The main body of practical work (Expressive and Design portfolio) and a question paper, both are externally assessed by SQA. The portfolio is worth 160 marks out of a total of 220 marks available for this Course. The question paper is worth 60 marks and will be set and marked by SQA, and conducted in centres under conditions specified for external examinations by SQA. Learners will complete this in two hours.
The practical marks contribute approximately 73% of the overall marks for the Course assessment. The Course will be graded A–D.
Prelim Examination – Learners will have the opportunity to sit an Art and Design prelim written examination within the academic session. This test helps to prepare candidates for the written exam as well as generate evidence for the question paper if necessary in exceptional circumstances. Please consult the Prelim calendar for specific times and dates.
Recording & Reporting
Ongoing formative assessment will take place in the classroom. This continuous process of discussion of both practical and written work is an essential part of the learning and teaching process in Art and Design.
Higher candidates will carry out a more formal learner’s conversation at various times within the year. This is an opportunity for pupils to discuss with staff what their strengths and weaknesses are within the Expressive and Design course work. It allows them to formulate an action plan to raise their attainment and ensure that they meet the requirements for a full course award.
Reporting to parents is in line with the school calendar of tracking, reporting and parent evenings.
Studying Art and Design at Art College
http://www.dundee.ac.uk/djcad/ Duncan of Jordanstone
http://www.eca.ed.ac.uk/ Edinburgh College of Art
http://www.gsa.ac.uk/ The Glasgow School of Art
http://graysartschoolaberdeen.com/ Gray’s School of Art
http://www.strath.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/architecturalstudies/ Architecture at Strathclyde University
Evening and Portfolio Courses
http://www.leithschoolofart.co.uk/ Leith School of Art
http://www.portfolio-oomph.com/ Portfolio Oomph
https://www.joininedinburgh.org/enrol/ City of Edinburgh Council Adult Education Programmes (16 yrs +)
http://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/short-courses Edinburgh College of Art
Art Galleries and Museums to visit
https://www.nationalgalleries.org/ National Gallieries Scotland
http://www.stills.org/ Stills Gallery (Photography)
http://www.fruitmarket.co.uk/ Fruitmarket Gallery
http://www.edinburghmuseums.org.uk/Venues/City-Art-Centre/About City Art Centre
http://www.edinburghsculpture.org/ Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop
https://www.jupiterartland.org/ Jupiter Artland
http://www.edinburghprintmakers.co.uk/ Edinburgh Printmakers
http://www.nms.ac.uk/ National Museum Scotland
Websites and Blogs
http://www.studentartguide.com/ Student Art Guide
http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/45707.html SQA Art and Design
http://www.vam.ac.uk/ V&A museum