S3 Business
Course Overview
Our S3 Course is designed to develop learners’ basic understanding of the way in which businesses operate and to encourage enterprising attributes by providing opportunities to study a range of business and organisational contexts. Through the use of practical activities and knowledge of business, learners will be given an insight into what businesses do to remain competitive, customer-focused and successful. Within the S3 Business Management course students will study entrepreneurial, finance, problem solving and decision making from the 3rd and 4th level outcomes and experiences.
Our S3 course follows the Experiences and Outcomes outlined in A Curriculum for Excellence(CfE) – Technologies, Social Subjects and Digital Literacy Curriculum Area’s.
The course is divided in to 5 main areas:
- Types of Businesses
- Business Objectives
- Stakeholders
- Methods of Market Research
- Customer Satisfaction
A variety of active learning and teaching strategies will be involved, from teacher led explanation and discussion to individual work; paired work; group work; researching and presenting information; interpretation and analysis of various sources of information; self and peer evaluation of work produced.
iPads are used thoughtfully to enhance learning and raise attainment.
We use a variety of assessment approaches to allow learners to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes and capabilities in each subject:
- Observing day-to-day learning within the classroom.
- Coursework, including end of unit tests.
- Project work where pupils lead their learning.
- Teams’ submissions including homework and quizzes.
- Peer and self-evaluation.
Assessment is an integral part of our teaching and learning process and we recognise that regular positive and constructive feedback is very important to help pupils progress. As a result, learners receive high-quality feedback to support their understanding of their progress in learning and what they need to do to improve.
Recording & Reporting
All pupil assessments are routinely graded and recorded by the teacher and the results are stored centrally, these results are used by staff to track the progress of the individuals and ensure that their needs are being met. Pupils received written feedback and next steps as well as verbal feedback. Staff report formally to parents via Tracking Reports and at parent consultations as per the school calendar.
S3 CfE
This course consists of 1 period per week for each S1 class. All homework is posted on Microsoft Teams.
Term 1: August to October (Business in Action: Business Cycle, Types of Businesses, Objectives)
- Sectors of Economy Questions
- Needs, Wants, Goods and Service Game
- Quiz
- Business New Article Reading
Term 2: October-December (Business in Action Continued and Methods of Market Research)
- Research Tasks
- Quiz
- Key Questions
Term 3: January to March (Customer Satisfaction)
- Research Tasks
- Role Play
- Quiz
- Poster Task
- Key Questions
Term 4: March- June (The Business Environment: Internal and External Factors and Stakeholders)
- Stakeholder Game
- Research Task
- Poster Task
- Key Questions
Resources will appear here soon.