S6 Advanced Higher Computing Science
Course Overview
The new Advanced Higher Computing Science course builds on the work done in Higher Computing Science.
The course consists of two units – Information Systems Design and Development and Software Design and Development.
A significant amount of learning will be self directed and require pupils to demonstrate a more mature approach to learning and the ability to work on their own initiative. Pupils will be encouraged to use an enquiring, critical and problem-solving approach to their learning. Ample opportunity will be given to practise and develop research and investigation skills and higher-order evaluation and analytical skills. Regular feedback sessions/discussions will be held on a one-to-one basis and on a group basis where appropriate.
Information Systems Design and Development has three outcomes which are assessed at appropriate times during the course. The first outcome involves developing and coding a complex information system using appropriate development tools. The second outcome involves explaining how information systems are developeed and managed. The third outcome is a written report which considers the factors involved in the design and implementation of an information system by describing in detail its functionality, technical implementation, security risks and precautions and its legal, economic, environmental and social implications.
Software Design and Development also has three outcomes which are assessed at appropriate times. The first outcome is a written test designed to allow the pupils to draw on their understanding of advanced concepts in software development and computer architecture by explaining code, describing the purpose of a range of programming constructs and how they relate to low level operations and strucures, and describing how a range of algorithms work. The second outcome involves developing and testing advanced modular programs in at least two software development environments. The final outcome involves the production of a detailed report analysing and evaluating the impact of contemporary computing technologies.
In addition to the unit assessments, pupils also undertake a coursework assignment that encompasses elements of both Information Systems Design and Development and Software Design and Development. This will take place at appropriate times of the year and is worth 60% of the pupil’s final mark.
The remaining 40% is achievable in the final external SQA exam. In order to fully prepare pupils for success in the exam, they will undertake additional end-of-topic tests to re-inforce their knowledge and understanding of the concepts.
Recording & Reporting
All pupil assessments are routinely graded and recorded by the teacher and the results are stored centrally, these results are used by staff to track the progress of the individuals and ensure that their needs are being met. Pupils also review their own attainment and are encourage to identify ways to improve their learning. Staff report formally to parents as per the school calendar.
Advanced Higher Synopsis booklet will be available using an S6 pupil MS365 account by March 2017
Other resources
Scholar at http://courses.scholar.hw.ac.uk/vle/scholar/session.controller?action=logout