Time Keeping
School begins with Period 1 lesson at 8.40am. There is a ‘warning bell’ at 8.38am.
S1 – S6 pupils will be registered in their Period 1 subjects. S6 pupils who are on a study period (in school) must register at the school office – failure to do so may result in an absent alert call being sent out.
Pupils who arrive after 8.40am should collect a Late Slip from reception and the SEEMIS record will be updated. School should be notified in writing of reason of late coming so it can be recorded accurately in SEEMIS.
If your son/daughter is going to be absent please phone our Pupil Absence Line 0131 229 8734. It would be appreciated if parents/carers could provide a written note for any absence(s).
We request that notes are provided on the day pupils return from any absence. Notes should be addressed to the relevant Pupil Support Leader or Senior Leadership Team and handed in at the school office.
If a pupil feels unwell during the school day, they should report to Vivien Hunter in the Welfare (Rm 2.37). If a pupil is unwell, Welfare or the school office will contact parents/carers to assess if the pupil should leave school. Pupils under 16 years will require to be collected by a parent/carer or designated adult.
On no account should pupils leave school without permission. When pupils have not arrived in school by 9:30am and we have not been informed of any reason for their absence then parents/carers will receive an automated call (Absent Alert Call).
Parents should follow the instructions given in the message.
One of the long-established traditions of St Thomas of Aquin’s has been the continued adoption of a school uniform. The vast majority of our parents and pupils support it. Wearing the school uniform can actually save parents/carers money and helps to avoid the pressure of purchasing designer clothes for youngsters to wear in school.
Click on the following links to access information about the school uniform:
Edinburgh Council assistance with school wear.