S1 Integrated Science Course
Course Overview
Pupils follow a combined science approach in S1 and S2. At present each pupil studies a range of core units plus our new STEM topics. Resources for each topic are shared with each class via Edmodo www.edmodo.com.
Here is a link to our BGE Summary
Our core units in S1 are –
Introduction to Science
Biology – Cells and Human Body
Chemistry – Matter and Periodic Table
Physics – Forces and Heat
We also run a cross-curricular project with English looking at life on other planets. Finally, we also have STEM units which cover a range of skills from scientific thinking to literacy, numeracy, and interpersonal skills.
Recording & Reporting
The Rota shows when each class will be starting each unit. We may amend dates as the year progresses to make use of any opportunities that arise.
The Benchmarks document shows some of the key questions that pupils should aim to be able to answer after each unit. Some questions may be covered in more depth than others depending on the class.
Resources for each topic are shared with each class via Edmodo www.edmodo.com.
We also recommend BBC bitesize.