S6 French Advanced Higher
Course Overview
This Course is made up of one mandatory unit and one other unit.
Mandatory Unit:
Modern Languages: Understanding and Using Language
The purpose of this unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop their understanding of cultural and topical issues in the relevant country/countries in the contexts of society, learning, employability, and culture. Learners develop the skills needed to understand and use a modern language in a wide range of contexts by further developing their listening, talking and reading skills, as well as offering opportunities to compare and contrast issues and to increase their language proficiency.
Additional unit:
Modern Languages: Extended Reading/Viewing
The purpose of this unit is to provide learners with the opportunities to develop analytical and evaluative skills through the study of literary or media texts in the modern language, or through the study of a thematic aspect of the country/countries of the modern language. Learners develop the skills needed to use a modern language by further developing their writing skills.
Conditions of award
To gain the award of the Course, the learner must pass all of the units as well as the course assessment. Course assessment will provide the basis for grading attainment in the course award.
Skills, knowledge and understanding
These include:
- advanced listening and talking, reading, and writing skills in the modern language, as appropriate to purpose and audience, in the contexts of society, learning, employability, and culture
- advanced knowledge and understanding required to understand and use the modern language across the four contexts
- understanding an advanced range of grammatical knowledge when using the modern language
- advanced knowledge and understanding required to apply the language skills of translation and either:
- advanced knowledge and appreciation of literary and/or media texts in the modern language
Pupils can expect on average three pieces of homework a week. One piece will normally be of a learning nature and self-discipline in this particular learning process can be hugely beneficial in the long run. The departmental recommendation is that pupils continue to spend a minimum of 15 minutes learning and revising topic vocabulary three to four times per week. Pupils will also be expected to continue to consolidate grammar rules and will show understanding of the application of these rules in their written work. The understanding of written texts and the development of effective dictionary skills will be delivered through Reading Comprehension tasks. At certain times of the year homework will include preparation and practice for speaking assessments and NARS.
Pupils are required to sit and pass NARs in all units. Indicated below are approximate dates for NARs to be sat in Higher French.
NAR | Assessment Date | Date/Month |
1 | Reading: Context 1 Listening: Context 1 |
October |
2 | Reading: Context 2/3 Listening: Context 2/3 |
February |
3 | Reading: Context 4 Listening: Context 4 |
March |
Pupils will also sit a Prelim exam, will be required to produce of portfolio and take part in a conversation with an external examiner in the second term.
External assessment – assessed by SQA
Recording & Reporting
All pupil assessments are routinely graded and recorded by the teacher and the results are stored centrally, these results are used by staff to track the progress of the individuals and ensure that their needs are being met. Pupils also review their own attainment and are encourage to identify ways to improve their learning. Staff report formally to parents as per the school calendar.
Homework is posted in Microsoft Teams.
Use Heriot Watt Scholar and the websites below for independent learning.
Senior Phase French online
BBC Languages http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/
BBC Bitesize French https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zhdxvcw
Bright Red Digital Zone https://www.brightredbooks.net/subjects/
Languages Online https://www.languagesonline.org.uk/Hotpotatoes/index.html
TV Monde 5 http://www.tv5monde.com/
The UNESCO Courier https://en.unesco.org/courier/archives
French Teacher https://www.frenchteacher.net/free-resources/samples/
Senior Phase French on Youtube
Easy French
Français Authentique
Français avec Pierre
Golden Moustache
French Together
All languages free access
Senior Phase
This Is Language https://www.thisislanguage.com/
Nutty Tilez https://www.thisislanguage.com/nutty-tilez/
Duolingo https://www.duolingo.com/
Busuu https://www.busuu.com
Coffee break languages https://radiolingua.com/
Lightbulb Languages https://www.lightbulblanguages.co.uk/index.htm
Betsy Belle https://betsybelleteach.com/
Free stories in any language https://stories.audible.com/discovery