S1 Business Education
Course Overview
Our S1 course follows the Experiences and Outcomes outlined in A Curriculum for Excellence.
Understanding business plays an important part in today’s society. The course aims to develop skills and confidence in the understanding of businesses and how they work.
The course is divided into 4 main units, each unit containing a number of different topics.
The units are:
A variety of active learning and teaching strategies will be involved, from teacher led explanation and discussion to individual work; paired work; group work; researching and presenting information; interpretation and analysis of various sources of information; self and peer evaluation of work produced.
iPads are used thoughtfully to enhance learning and raise attainment.
We use a variety of assessment approaches to allow learners to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes and capabilities in each subject:
- Observing day-to-day learning within the classroom.
- Coursework, including end of unit tests.
- Project work where pupils lead their learning.
- Teams’ submissions including homework and quizzes.
- Peer and self-evaluation.
Assessment is an integral part of our teaching and learning process and we recognise that regular positive and constructive feedback is very important to help pupils progress. As a result, learners receive high-quality feedback to support their understanding of their progress in learning and what they need to do to improve.
Recording & Reporting
All pupil assessments are routinely graded and recorded by the teacher and the results are stored centrally, these results are used by staff to track the progress of the individuals and ensure that their needs are being met. Pupils received written feedback and next steps as well as verbal feedback. Staff report formally to parents via Tracking Reports and at parent consultations as per the school calendar.
All Staff
S1 CfE
This course consists of 1 period per week for each S1 class. All homework is posted on Microsoft Teams.
Term 1: August to November (Warning May Contain Losses)
- Mind Map about Chocolate
- Logo Quiz
- News Headline Task for your product
- TV or Radio Advert for Product
Term 2: November- December (Christmas IT Booklet)
- Research Tasks
- Quiz
Term 3: January to March (Entrepreneur)
- Quiz
- Entrepreneur Online Game
- Watch an episode of Dragon’s Den
- Scottish Entrepreneur Research Task
Term 4: March- June (Happy Paws)
- Touch Typing on Dance Mat
- Quiz
- Wordwalls on various Microsoft Packages
- Videos on how to use various Microsoft Packages
Learn to type! These exercises are designed to help you improve your touch-typing skills. The exercises. gradually build up from using a few keys until you have total keyboard mastery. The focus should be on accuracy, using the correct fingers for the different keys.
Theme Hotel is a challenging construction and management simulation game for older kids and teens where your goal is to build and maintain a *Five-Star* hotel. Start from scratch and raise your hotel to a world-class standard. This game helps you to learn the essential skills of managing a business while also exercising your creative engineering side, as you have to construct your own hotel as you progress.