N3 Art and Design
Course Overview
The National 3 Art and Design Course enables learners to produce expressive and design work using basic techniques and/or technology, and to develop a basic knowledge and understanding of the works of an artist and a designer.
The aims of the Course are to enable learners to develop skills in:
- experimenting and using art and design materials, basic techniques and/or technology to produce expressive and design work
- communicating thoughts, feelings and ideas through their expressive and design work
- developing a basic knowledge and understanding of an artist’s and a designer’s work and practice
- identifying areas for improvement when reflecting on own work
Attendance – Three periods each week in S4.
The National 3 course consist of two mandatory Units. The mandatory Unit work is collated in learner’s sketchbooks and retained by the school for verification purposes. Learners following this course in S4 will undertake some of the unit work during the S3 BGE course. Each of the component Units of the Course is designed to provide progression to the corresponding Units at National 4.
Unit 1: Expressive Activity – In this Unit, learners will, with guidance, consider some of the things that inspire artists and will develop a basic understanding of how artists use art materials, techniques and/or technology in their work. They will select, use and experiment with art materials, techniques and/or technology, producing imaginative art work at a basic level in response to chosen stimuli for an expressive art activity.
Unit 2: Design Activity – In this Unit, learners will, with guidance, consider some of the things that inspire designers and how they use design materials, techniques and/or technology in their work. They will develop their personal design ideas in 2D and/or 3D work, selecting, using and experimenting with materials, techniques and/or technology at a basic level when producing design work in response to a given brief.
Unit Assessment – All units are internally assessed. This involves sampling the skills, knowledge and understanding of learners demonstrated through their sketchbook work. There are two opportunities within the year to sit the assessment. Assessment is recorded as a Pass/Fail by the school and moderated by the SQA. Both units must pass internal verification in order to obtain the National course award.
National 3 Courses are not graded.
Recording & Reporting
Ongoing formative assessment will take place in the classroom. This continuous process of discussion of both practical and written work is an essential part of the learning and teaching process in Art and Design.
National 3 candidates will carry out a more formal learner’s conversation at various times within the year. This is an opportunity for pupils to discuss with staff what their strengths and weaknesses are within the Expressive and Design course work. It allows them to formulate an action plan to raise their attainment and ensure that they meet the requirements for a full course award.
Reporting to parents is in line with the school calendar of tracking, reporting and parent evenings.
Studying Art and Design at Art College
http://www.dundee.ac.uk/djcad/ Duncan of Jordanstone
http://www.eca.ed.ac.uk/ Edinburgh College of Art
http://www.gsa.ac.uk/ The Glasgow School of Art
http://graysartschoolaberdeen.com/ Gray’s School of Art
http://www.strath.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/architecturalstudies/ Architecture at Strathclyde University
Evening and Portfolio Courses
http://www.leithschoolofart.co.uk/ Leith School of Art
http://www.portfolio-oomph.com/ Portfolio Oomph
https://www.joininedinburgh.org/enrol/ City of Edinburgh Council Adult Education Programmes (16 yrs +)
http://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/short-courses Edinburgh College of Art
Art Galleries and Museums to visit
https://www.nationalgalleries.org/ National Gallieries Scotland
http://www.stills.org/ Stills Gallery (Photography)
http://www.fruitmarket.co.uk/ Fruitmarket Gallery
http://www.edinburghmuseums.org.uk/Venues/City-Art-Centre/About City Art Centre
http://www.edinburghsculpture.org/ Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop
https://www.jupiterartland.org/ Jupiter Artland
http://www.edinburghprintmakers.co.uk/ Edinburgh Printmakers
http://www.nms.ac.uk/ National Museum Scotland
Websites and Blogs
http://www.foa2016.com/ Festival of Architecture 2016
http://www.studentartguide.com/ Student Art Guide
http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/45707.html SQA Art and Design
http://www.vam.ac.uk/ V&A museum