S1 History
Course Overview
What is History – The Great Balloon Debate!
Choose a significant figure in History – and defend your choice.
Ancient History– Did people love or hate living in the Roman Empire?
Write your first History essay
Medieval History – The Scottish Wars of Independence
– What was Edinburgh like during the Black Death pandemic?
The main skills sharpened this year are research skills and communication skills.
Essay writing is a valuable skill that will be developed, however you will get lots of chances and options to present your work in different ways.
The main content aim is to gain a chronological overview of Scotland through a period of 1000 years.
Some topics will be in depth like the Roman topic, others topics are explored briefly to strengthen your chronological framework.
Pupils can then use this framework to pursue personalised research options.
iPads are used thoughtfully to enhance learning & raise attainment.
Pupils will have a base-line assessment as they enter S1. We will then track their skills in handling:
- Different types of sources of evidence
In the Autumn term, we will help pupils improve their:
- Essay introductions and conclusions
- Balance and analysis
- Considering factors from different perspectives
In the Spring term, we will continue to encourage pupils to demonstrate their research skills.
We use a variety of assessment approaches to allow learners to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes and capabilities in each subject:
- Observing day-to-day learning within the classroom.
- Coursework, including end of unit tests.
- Project work where pupils lead their learning.
- Teams’ submissions including homework and quizzes.
- Peer and self-evaluation.
Assessment is an integral part of our teaching and learning process and we recognise that regular positive and constructive feedback is very important to help pupils progress. As a result, learners receive high-quality feedback to support their understanding of their progress in learning and what they need to do to improve.
Recording & Reporting
Reporting to parents is in line with the school calendar of tracking, reporting and parent evenings.
Ms Hunter & Miss Whiffen
Hand in History Home Study on Teams
Take an image of hand-written and hand-drawn work and ‘Hand-in’ even if you are bringing the hard copy to class.
Examples of Home Study tasks include:
The Romans:
Preparing research for the Roman Essay task
Great Balloon Debate:
Choose a person of historical significance. You may bring in notes to explain why your chosen person is of historical significance.
If you are thinking about what will be useful when starting secondary history with us:
‘What is History’ skills for the base-line assessment
(AD/BC, converting dates to centuries, Primary/Secondary sources)