Advanced Higher Biology
Course Overview
In S6 students will consolidate prior learning in Higher Biology. They will further develop their experimental skills and application of these during an independent investigation which represents a component of their final grade.
Students will develop their knowledge of scientific practices as well as in-depth knowledge of Biology at a university level. In the course, learners are encouraged to develop their independent learning skills.
There are 3 units in Advanced Higher Biology
- Cells and proteins:
- Laboratory techniques
- Proteomics
- Membranes
- Environmental stimulus
- Communication
- Cell division
- Organisms and Evolution:
- Field techniques
- Evolution
- Variation and sex determination
- Sex and behaviour
- Parasitism
- Investigative Biology – focusing on experimental design, data analysis and critical evaluation of biological research
The aims of the Course are to enable students to:
- develop a critical understanding of the role of biology in scientific issues and relevant applications, including the impact these could make on the environment/society
- extend and apply knowledge, understanding and skills of biology
- develop and apply the skills to carry out complex practical scientific activities, including the use of risk assessments, technology, equipment and materials
- develop and apply scientific inquiry and investigative skills, including planning and experimental design
- develop and apply analytical thinking skills, including critical evaluation of experimental procedures in a biology context
- extend and apply problem solving skills in a biology context
- further develop an understanding of scientific literacy, using a wide range of resources, in order to communicate complex ideas and issues and to make scientifically informed choices
- extend and apply skills of independent/autonomous working in biology
Entry Requirements – achieve Higher/Higher Human Biology
Attendance – Six periods each week
There is continuous assessment of individuals in Advanced Higher.
The final exam totals 90 marks combined with 30 marks for the Investigation project = 120 marks total
Recording & Reporting
Resources will appear here soon.