S3 Modern Studies
Course Overview
S3 Modern Studies
This course consists of 2 periods per week for each class.
August to October: International Issues (Migration)
- Causes of migration
- Impacts of migration in the UK
- Government policies to manage illegal immigration.
- Case Study 1: The Syrian Journey
- Case Study 2: Hong Kong to the UK
- Case study 3: Mexico to the USA
October to December: Social Issues (Inequalities)
- Causes of social ineqaulity in the UK/Scotland
- Impact of inequalities on children
- Government policies to tackle child poverty
- Third sector policies to tackle poverty
January to March: Social Issues (Crime and Law)
- Extent of crime
- Causes of crime (biological, social and economic)
- Impacts of crime on victims, perpetrators, families and communities.
March to May: Added Value Unit Project
Pupils select a topic of their choice and build their skills in researching independently and presenting their findings in PowerPoint or as a poster.
Recording & Reporting
S3 Modern Studies
This course consists of 2 periods per week for each S3 class. All homework is posted on Microsoft Teams.
Term 1: August to October (Migration)
- Case study research
- Developing Conclusions Skills Practice
Term 2: October to December (Inequalities)
- Impact of Poverty Research
- Support/Oppose Skills Practice
Term 3: January to March (Crime and Law)
- Impacts of Crime Research
- Extended response answers at N4 level/Past Paper practice N5 level
Term 4: March to May
Independent research on Added Value Project
Resources will appear here soon.